Hong Kong Ocean Park pt2

Cable car to the other part of the park. We’ve had very few family pictures and I go and look like this, what a goose.


Great views.


Went on a rapids ride, someone enjoyed the soaking.


At the start of the lion dance show they picked Etholle out to help.


After that it all turned a bit “street”.


Me waving from a roller coaster, just in case you thought I was actually scared on the carousel (preempting my mother’s comment!)


Receiving our lucky money from the emperor. He was bonkers.


After a long day, Etholle passed out with her new panda. Perhaps we shouldn’t have used the flash for this one.


Hong Kong Ocean Park pt1

Spent a day at Ocean Park, Hong Kong’s answer to Disney. There is a Disneyland here but we were advised by reception not to bother as it’s small and not as good.

We had a great day but were slightly frustrated by the over the top health and safety. The queues would have moved much quicker with Disney who have this down to a fine art, instead we had to listen to all of the safety announcements in 3 languages before someone came down each ride and double checked everything. You spent most of your time sitting there waiting for things to happen, still it was fun once you got used to it.

This is becoming a standard pose.


First ride, a carousel. Etholle insisted as it’s my mum’s favourite.


I was scared stiff by the safety warnings, Nemo was no help. Made a few locals laugh.


Pandaman. Not sure what else to say really.


Searching for pandas.


Our quarry. Apparently you’re not allowed to hunt them. Pretty good seeing one this close up. They do a lot of conservation work here and have managed to bread them in captivity.


This is a red panda, he was far more active and looks more like a bear/fox. Couldn’t make out what he said though.
